Here you can explore some of the work I have done in college and beyond.
I'm a team leader passionate about storytelling, design and enhancing experiences. I will work to combine these passions with my technical engineering knowledge to succeed in the themed entertainment or construction industries in a project coordination or management role.
In Fall of 2020, I took a class through the Texas Applied Arts program called "Performance Robots". I was paired with an elementary school student and tasked with bringing a drawing of a robot they imagined to life! From sketching and brainstorming to cardboard cutting and servo wiring, I learned many valuable hard skills from this individual project!
My team and I were finalists in the Disney Imaginations competition in 2019! The prompt was to create an idea based off a world wonder and we chose the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. I worked on the presentation graphics and storyline and developed physical pins and prototypes. Image from Disney Imaginations, 2019
I worked with a team of 3 other mechanical engineers to design a new water ride using technology from WhiteWater West. I helped create the storyboard, budget, and assisted with research for the ride systems. Our project won 4th place! Image from UT Austin
As a part of an Arts and Entertainment Technology class at my school, I worked with a large and interdisciplinary team to put together an escape room experience themed to Planet Texas 2050's cause. I helped lead logistics for the Construction team and learned how to work with a variety of tools to build the structure of the room. Image by Logan Smith, 2019
Texas Theme Park Engineering put on a haunted house in December of 2017, October of 2018 and October of 2019. I was on the design team for all three haunted houses and helped with decorations, advertising, layout and acting. I also led the story development team and trailer editing teams. Image by Chris Clark, 2019 (This is me in costume!)
Here are some examples of flyers I have designed and costumes I have built out of cardboard and other materials! Most of these were for personal projects or created for my organization, Texas Theme Park Engineering Group. Image by Longhorn Halloween Staff, 2018
I am the project manager for Team India in the Projects for Underserved Communities (PUC) program! I am working with a team of students to manage scope, procurement, bids, schedule, and budget for a community center in the village of Siripudi, Andhra Pradesh. Original logo
I served as team leader/project manager for my mechanical engineering senior design capstones. The project involved an integration of technical and writing skills to design a saltwater still for emergency situations. I also guided my team to solve a MATLAB-based problem for a unique pumpjack design concept presented by our sponsor, George R. Dreher of Pumpjacks, Etc.
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